Traveling Local

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Traveling to Raiatea

Click on the following link to view the video

Raiatea Video Part 1

This video is an introduction to the island of Raiatea, and focuses on how to get there and places to stay. I hope you find this information useful. Mahalo and Maururu.

Monday, March 15, 2010

That Polynesian Life

Aloha and 'Iaorana,

Originally from Tahiti - French Polynesia, but living in Hawaii for almost 6 years now, I have immersed myself and fully embraced the Hawaiian culture. I have learned what Living with Aloha means, and have incorporated this Aloha Phylosophy into my Tahitian (and Chinese, yes I'm also Chinese) way of living. Now, I can say with confidence, that my multicultural upbringing rooted in the Tahitian lifestyle accounts for me being one True Local Girl! ^^*

I am currently enrolled at the University of Hawaii at Manoa studying for a Bachelor's Degree in Travel Industry Management. Just recently, I have moved to the island of Maui, and enjoy exploring all the beauties and wonders this island has to offer.

I am absolutely fascinated about the different cultures that make up the amazing world we live in, especially cultures found in the Pacific Region. Traveling is to me, the means whereby people learn from and connect with one another. Traveling teaches. Traveling unites.
So, I created this blog to share my experience from living in places like Tahiti and Hawaii, as well as uncover, and provide you with insights, tips, and things that only locals would know :)